I got married July 25th 2015 and after we got married, I learned alot of new and different things about my husband and I will always continue to learn new things about him. If we knew everything about each other, admit it, marriage would boring, life would be boring! That's what is so great about marriage, we get to unwrap a new present everyday and and learn something new about each other. It can be scary, embarrassing or can be really neat. We are two completely different people yet we are one. My husband needs attention, he needs to know that I love him and that I am here for him and that I am never going to leave him. He needs that security that everything will be okay.
I don't like to show him that I am worried because then he will get worried and will get stressed and I don't want to see him that way. He needs to know that I am his support, spiritual, physical and emotional. He needs to know that I am praying for him and praying for our marriage and that we will strive to be more like Christ everyday. He needs to know that I will take care of him, feed him, wash his clothes and that I will put Christ first. He needs to know that I love him and that God is our strength and our provider all the time, not just when things are tight but when things are going really well!
Yes it bugs me if he leaves his socks in the middle of the living room or if he leaves his bowl and spoon on the table or if he leaves crumbs in the bed but I know that he is trying his best, he provides for me and eventually a family and I couldn't be happier to be married to an amazing man!
Sometimes I feel like I fail as a wife because I say things like "Those dishes can wait till tomorrow, or sorry hunny I forgot to wash your favorite shirt." or I"ll forget to wash the bathroom or when he gets home the house is a mess and all I felt like doing that day was eat chocolate, cry and watch netflix but then I realize, I don't fail as a wife, I just had a day where I don't want to face the world and I just need to feel God's peace and know that everything will be okay. My hubby is not going to love me any less because I wore pj's all day. In fact, he loves me more because he knows that I am trying my best and he knows that I love him.
I love being a wife and somedays it's a lot of work but yet it's so rewarding because I know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father and am taken by the most amazing Husband ever!
Mikayla Sawyer
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