I haven't always struggled with self confidence till a few years ago. I used to weigh 96lbs and I was healthy and I felt and looked good and over the past few years my weight has started to stick to my body and being 4"11, you can't hide the weight that is being piled on your body. It's so hard to deal with. Some of you may not know but I was 1lb 13oz when I was born so I was a Preemie baby so I think that's why I am so tiny/short. Anyhow, over the past few years my health has kind of spiraled downwards with having cysts in my left ovaries and finding out that I may have hyper thyroid and it can be hard to live with sometimes. A few months I went on the pill because my period isn't regular and I didn't want to have it when I got married but right after the wedding I went off the pill as it was hard for my body. During those few months my body changed a lot. I went up three sizes in my bra, I gained more weight in my belly, arms and face. I have stretch marks on my belly, legs and arms. I feel so uncomfortable in my body! I don't eat a lot of sugar or bread and yet I keep gaining weight even when I am off the pill. I bought a scale (I don't know why I did) and I decided to weigh myself and I just about cried when I saw what it said....I was and still am 155lbs. My hands are puffy so I can't wear my wedding rings. My calves are puffy so I can't wear boots and there are days where I don't even want to get out of bed because of my body. I don't get it. I am hoping to get pills for my thyroid and I am hoping and praying that my weight will slowly drop but....I am beautiful, I am God's daughter and he doesn't make mistakes! We are made in his image, we have to take care of our bodies and make sure we don't misuse it or trash our bodies by giving it unhealthy stuff.
Girls and guys, you are beautiful/handsome and are made in the image of God!
"You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it full well." Psalm 139:14
"But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quite spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:4
I know what it's like to struggle with weight, and I know how the pill can throw your weight for a loop. I too had a crazy weight gain when I started on the pill (same reason as you, irregular periods) and I ended up being just over 200lbs at my heaviest. I switched to a different pill and I found it much easier on my body and it actually allowed me to lose some weight. My biggest suggestion to you is to eat a TON of protein because muscle burns fat, and while you may see on the scale your weight increase you will notice toning and losing fat (muscle weighs more than fat). The hardest part is getting started with something new (like a new diet or exercise) but if you can stick to it then it will help a ton! I lost 30lbs and it wasn't easy or quick, but I feel healthier. I hope everything with your thyroid is alright! If you need any help or anything, I'm here :)
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