Monday, 1 May 2017

Finding out we were pregnant!

As most of you know, we are having a baby!  It has been a long and emotional journey but it has been worth the wait. Some of you may not know but I ended up going on a fertility drug called "Clomid." Clomid is a fertility drug that can cause ovulation  (as I wasn't ovulating). It doesn't always work for alot of couples so we were fortunate. I went on the first round in Dec on my cycle day 3-7 and then on cycle day 21 I have to get my progesterone checked to see if I ovulated and unfortunately I didn't so we decided to try again in January and the thing with fertility meds is you have to plan everything when you will do the bd (baby dance). It is recommended that you have sex every other day starting the day after your period till your next cycle. After I tried clomid (Jan 6th- Jan 10th), I hoped and prayed that I would ovulate so right after I finished clomid, we started "trying." On Cycle day 19 I started cramping and had body aches but I kept monitoring it and I had body aches on cycle day 20 as well.  I went to get my progesterone checked on cycle day 21 and two days later I called my OB and my levels were at a 56.7 which is absolutely amazing and super high. I started getting a cold and I was constantly cramping and my period wasn't supposed to be due for another week , week and a half or whenever it was going to come but part of me kind of thought it was implantation cramping. My family decided to come down for the day on Jan 29th (cycle day 26) and after they left, I wanted to test so badly! I wasn't going to test till the middle of week but I felt like I should test. I tested on my cheap strips that I bought off Amazon and I saw something....a very very very faint line and I got so excited that I ended up taking a first response and once I dipped it, it started doing its thing and there was a second line! I can't tell you that feeling because it is so amazing to finally see a second line on a test!! To know that after everything we have been through, to know that there is a baby growing in me is the most amazing thing ever! We still don't know exactly when I ovulated but we know I ovulated early because I am farther along than I originally thought.  I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and my morning (all day) sickness is pretty much gone. I still get nauseous once in a while but I am so happy to have my appetite back.

We have a midwife and she is amazing! We also found out we are having a precious boy and we love him so much and we can't wait to meet him in 5 months. His due date is Oct 9th but I believe he will be a little early. I also didn't get morning sickness till I was 9 weeks.

My pregnancy symptoms when I found out I was pregnant were:
-Body aches
-Feeling sick
-Eating at midnight for about a week

My current symptoms are:
-Tired but have spurts of energy
-Feeling flutters/tickles in my cervix
- Odd chest pressure
-Growing hair around my belly button

Besides some of the odd symptoms, I am loving being pregnant and knowing that our son is healthy and strong. Such an amazing miracle and gift from God.

It's hard to see the second line in the first one but it's just very faint.
 The first response is a little more clearer

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