Wednesday, 22 November 2017

My birth story!

My son's due date was Oct 9th so as we were drawing closer to the date we got more excited knowing that we would be meeting our son really soon. As the 9th came and passed, I got more sad and disappointed because I was so ready to meet my son. As days passed, I stopped talking to people, I stopped going places and I could barely do anything just because of how uncomfortable and in pain I was. The time came where I had to get an ultrasound done to see if things were still good which they were as he passed with flying colors and then time came to do my NST test and to talk about induction. He passed the NST test as well which I was so grateful for but I was so ready to meet him! That whole week I was having contractions on and off which defiantly made it tiring. During my NST test my midwife checked my cervix and it was soft which was exciting and so we ended up talking about induction and I decided that I would do the induction drink (midwife recommended) which included castor oil, almond butter and nector juice. She also recommended that Grant and I enjoy a nice supper before I took the drink. After the appointment we decided to go out and eat and during that time I was having consistent contractions. We then picked up all the ingredients for the drink and headed home to try and sleep before I took this drink. I woke up at 3am to take it and right after I finished the drink Contractions picked up and got more intense. We waited it out for about two hours and then decided to call my midwife. This was it, we were so excited because she and the birth photographer were on their way. We then started to fill up the pool that was in our living room and started to get things ready.

Once she came, she checked me and my cervix was softer than the night before. I got into the pool as things were starting to pick up. I never thought that I would end up having back labor so with every contraction, it felt like my hips and back were going to break. After a few hours in the pool, things weren't really progressing so I did some walking and tried some new positions during contractions which hurt so badly because of my back.  I ended up going back in the pool and just breathed and yes I screamed through my contractions. I tried to rest in between them but the longer the time in between, you know the more intense the next contraction would be.  I labored for a while on the toilet as it was a good position to help bring him down more as he was still up and not wanting to come down. We then decided to try saline shots that went into my back to see if they would help relieve pressure during my contractions which didn't end up working unfortunately. It's crazy how contractions literally take over your body. I wanted to give up so many times but I kept reminding myself that this is what I wanted and that I'd be holding my son in my arms soon, I just didn't know how soon. I remember during one contraction I yelled "I can do this" over and over again because I knew that I could do it.

My midwife decided to break my water and we were hoping things would progress or else I'd have to go to the hospital because he was being stubborn and didn't  want to come out. About half n hour to 45 minutes later things really turned around and I felt like I had to push, so We made our way into the bedroom and the midwife started to set her things up and she called the other midwife to come. Things were really progressing and it was the most craziest yet uncomfortable experience ever. They put a mirror down there so I got to watch his head slowly come out which was so crazy!

With every contraction I pushed and screamed knowing that I would meet my son very soon. Soon I started to throw up with every push and I'm surprised I didn't pop a blood vessel in my face!

Pushing for two hours is exhausting but so worth it. After a good hard push, his head came out and then his body wiggled out of me....literally wiggled out of me. The midwife has never seen a baby come out the way he did. They immediately placed him on my chest and that feeling of holding your baby for the first time is indescribable, no words can explain. We ended up doing delayed cord clamping as well which was wonderful.

I ended up having a 2nd almost 3rd degree tear because he came out with his arm by his head so we had to go to the hospital but before we did that, the midwives helped me get cleaned up and helped me out of the bed as I was exhausted and still trying to figure out what had just happened.

After 22 hours of all natural back labor and 2 hours of pushing, I would do it all over again.

After a year and a half of trying, two rounds of Clomid and 10 months of growing this wonderful miracle inside, we finally met our miracle baby and it was the greatest experience ever. Knowing that I can hold my baby anytime I want Is just Awesome! I am so blessed to be his Mother and I am excited for this new journey.

Landon Elliott Sawyer was born on Oct 22nd weighing 8lbs 13oz and was 21 and a half inches long. We couldn't be more excited ❤